Ive always loved essential oils and natural skin care. In fact I became obsessed with essential oils when I was a teenager  (a  long time ago now)… a passion which has never faded.
I’ve been involved in natural health for more than two  decades:  first as an engaged consumer, skin care nerd and  experimenter, then as management and staff trainer in    aromatherapy and skin care, nationally registered health    practitioner, and now full circle as a maker again. I'm  passionate about self care, in whatever form it may take, and  these balms are a manifestation of that.
The idea of creating a natural skin care brand has been incubating and developing in my mind and my kitchen for at least a decade. I’ve have been making balms, skincare and other natural goodies for myself, friends and family for most of my adult life. Some of these products I have been making variations of for more than a decade.  I was an Essential oil  and Skincare nerd before I was a Chinese Medicine nerd but my love of both was bound to intersect at some stage and this is it!
I’m an AHPRA (Allied Health Professionals Regulation Association) Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner. I have a clinic in Brisbane where I focus on the treatment of various complex and chronic health conditions. You can read more about me and my practice
In Chinese Medicine, we see a person as the unique individual they are, with differing constitutions, patterns and experiences. While I endeavour to see as many people as possible in my clinic for deeper health care recovery, I cant see everyone. My sincere hope with this website is to educate you about the wonders and benefits of using Traditional Chinese Medicine - the oldest and most well-organised system of medicine - and to give you insights on how you can improve the health of your skin (and the rest of you!). Once you discover how wonderful these balms are, its bound to get you wondering about the more powerful potential of Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs. 
Welcome!I hope you enjoy using these balms as much as I have creating them.

Dr Jade Dibblee

Chinese Medicine Practitioner

Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine Practitioner
Certified Remedial Massage Therapist, Nutritionist and Aromatherapist

Chinese Medicine Regulation Board/Allied Health Professionals Regulation Agency Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner.